How software can be this poorly written is beyond my comprehension.
In the previous version, you could go to “Zones”. Here you could see what zones were open and what zones were bypassed. There was a small icon of a lock indicating the zone. A locked icon showed the zone was secure, an unlocked icon showed the zone was not secure. SHOCKINGLY, THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED!
This means that when you have a zone bypassed, the app will NOT tell you if that zone is secure! A practical example might be if you have a window open on your 2nd floor for fresh air. If you have that zone bypassed, the app will not tell you if that window is open as it did in the previous version.
Therefore, any zones that are bypassed MUST be physically checked. Because their status can not be determined by this app.
Moreover, in an attempt to make this app “pretty”, it now has a blue-and-white background that cannot be changed. Trying to read white text on a partially white background. It is difficult.
SnapLink is a clunky program to use. For example, when you are trying to bypass zones, you have to exit out of that window completely then go back in to that menu to bypass an additional zone. (The same is true if you want to restore any zones.)
Shocking but true; if you want to arm your alarm and any zones are not ready, the program simply comes back and refuses to proceed. It should present the user with the not ready zone(s) and give them the option to bypass it. (Thats how my 1987 alarm worked when a zone was not ready.)